Thursday, September 28, 2006

Stewardship of our Resources 2006/2007

Dear Friends
Stewardship in essence is our God-given responsibility to be accountable for the resources – both material and spiritual – that God has placed into our care. These resources include our time, our talents and gifts, our skills, our possessions – our very lives.

The Church is one of many environments within which we live our lives, and is a specific avenue through which we can contribute meaningfully towards the growth of God’s Kingdom in the wider world. The generosity of spirit experienced here at Corpus Christi over the last year speaks to the importance and value we place on this in our lives.

We write to encourage you in your giving in the broadest sense, and to invite you to join us in a process of re-evaluating our lifestyle-priorities before God for the new year. How best can we each serve God with the resources he has placed in our care?

The attached form is designed to help you be specific in your intention, and to help us in our planning and budgeting. Please, after prayerful consideration, fill it in and return it to us.

Our Parish “Statement of Purpose” lays emphasis on broad-based parishioner involvement. Please take time to consider how you can be involved beyond just a financial commitment. Joining a Home Fellowship Group, offering your skill as a plumber, being available to help others in need or visit someone in hospital, are just a few ways we can steward our resource of time, skill and ability.

Finance is an important aspect of our commitment, and it is impacted on by our various responsibilities for home and family, work, recreation, and on behalf of others. As the Church, we are interested in that portion of your money that you spend on behalf of others, and we ask you to prayerfully reconsider the portion that you give for God’s work via Corpus Christi. We are blessed at Corpus Christi with a Rector to facilitate our spiritual and community growth, and to challenge us towards mission; opportunities to grow our parish, and to participate in the mission of our archdeaconry and diocese; buildings that facilitate worship, fellowship, and teaching opportunities. Your financial commitment to Corpus Christi will either inhibit or expand our ability to fully utilise these resources.

As you complete the attached form, prior to handing it in, we invite you to join us in asking the following question:

“Do these commitments honestly reflect the priority God has in my life?”

We invite you to join us on Sunday 8 October 2006 for our Stewardship Celebration at either the 07:00 or 09:00 Eucharist Service. If you are not able to join us, please return your commitment forms either via the collection plate on another Sunday, or directly to the parish office by hand, post, fax or email. Thank you, in anticipation, for your cooperation in building the Kingdom of God through our community.

Yours in fellow-Stewardship

Mark R D Long - Rector
Lex Jackson - Stewardship Coordinator
Peter Davies - Churchwarden
Mary Verryn - Churchwarden

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